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A member registered Jun 09, 2020

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gonna be honest, I am ASTONISHED if anybody actually both has one of those bougie-ass android peripherals and chooses to play itchio porn games with them, on their android, of their own free will.

I mean, I'll play a porn game on my phone, but hell if I'm rigging an entire keyboard or controller up to it in order to do so. I doubt this kind of "port" does anything but annoy people who are trying to search for games by device.

Game works better for me in Firefox than most in-browser games on here, but the exe completely crashes my computer. :/ 

It's kind of old and can't play a lot of games at higher than like 5 fps, but I don't remember seeing any other game freeze it until I hold the power button down, like this and Breasting the Maze do.

...wait, why is the filesize for "hotfix.apk" so much smaller? should it be that small? (or is the pc version just bigger because it's a pc port of an android game 'XD)

Afraid not, I still get that error. :/ My phone isn't very new, but it's pretty much always able to play games from Itch (altho it ends up crashing on them now and then), and I don't think I've ever seen this particular error before.

Fix for pc version works, at least. Not clear what the statues are for, though, if they do anything; standing near them doesn't seem to do anything. Also I guess "trading akes for lives" just means visiting the girls for healing? Also unclear IMO.

Can't figure out how to turn cheats off. Whether it says "cheats off" or "cheats on - no ending" at the starting menu, there's no way to lose lives (or at least pits and boulders aren't doing it)

My android gets a "Parse error: There was a problem parsing the package" message when I try to open the apk. Tried it twice now. File might be corrupted or something?

...they did do that export. it requires peripherals that very few people have, because rigging up touchscreen controls for a fps that wasn't designed for it would take a bit longer than 5 minutes

that's what people are complaining about

(1 edit)

Honestly, unless many people have been chiming in saying they have played it with bougie android peripherals, it seems like too narrow a niche to be worth it. : /

For what it's worth, I have played a couple FPS's made for android with touchscreen controls, so it's not impossible. ...Still prolly not worth the time to try and port an existing game that way, since it'd affect how much of the screen could be visible, but generally speaking, it's a real concept.

NGL, the concept of getting a special keyboard or controller to hook up to an android is bizarre to me. If you have money for silly peripherals, you probably have a decent computer you could hook that shit up to and play games on a proper-sized screen for them.

Does what it do, does it well, doesn't promise anything that it doesn't do. A+

Not every android user has a controller or keyboard that can connect to it, why would you assume that?

...fuck, I've loved porn games before but I don't think I've been hyped for a sequel to one before 'XD

(maybe beat banger 2, but tbph 1 is still perfect and 2 is too hard)

I wonder if there're any hidden uses of the Move action I didn't find, or if that's planned to be used in the sequel (or if it'll just be dropped, I guess for a game jam game you're gonna have early ideas that you just don't end up implementing)

Narrator: They would not, in fact, get that looked at that week.

(the gear does go away if you fullscreen it, at least)

I mean, who hasn't tried to fuck a cup of mountain dew and accidentally drank it instead?

Browser version seems to run fine on Firefox, altho it's a little small. The hitbox for that gear in the lower right is too big, though; there's like one pixel of clickability left for that bottom right inventory slot, and I can't hit the arrow to scroll the inventory at all.

Okay, going fullscreen gets rid of the gear, but still, annoying bug/oversight/??? (why is the box for that icon so big?).

*clicks into game*

no yeah that's definitely randy orton

dude is that randy orton

oh wait no it's the rock who has the one sleeve and the pec stuff

(2 edits)


Simply amazing. The mouse-only controls work shockingly well, too.

Just be warned, RubiA can follow you into the hub zone. Make sure you have an idea of how far away she is before doing the door puzzles.

That's a shame, Sybil has a nice ass too, I'm sad to see it go to waste ; ]

the "cancel" button for the sign-in thingy doesn't work in browser unless you full-screen it (using firefox)

they updated it and still didn't put an executable in the thingy

I guess if somebody had renpy and knew how to use it they could make it look like a game? sort of anyway? the script has script in it

there is ONE (1) porn image in the folders, with an image by Anasheya that they prolly don't have permission to have in there

least they didn't crop the watermark off ig

Still dunno what a super slash is (the big "farm" enemy only shows up between specific rounds for some reason, so it could be a drop that I missed), but it turns out Cherry's a bit more doable if you just stay at the bottom of the screen and spam dash when she uses the vertical projectiles. I'd call it a cheese strat, but it feels more like leveling the playing field.
Why are so many porn games so hard?


Pity none of these issues were fixed.

The most unfair game I've ever tilted at that was still technically beatable. :[ Movement is crap, AI loves telefragging me and firing off "counterattacks" when not damaged, can't clear the hazards without drifting into them, the "farmable" enemies get free hits on you when you leave the area... How did so many compelling ideas get implemented so very poorly?
And there's a SIXTH ROUND somehow?

ye forgot to put the game application in the download m8

...I mean, technically it has content.

something I've learned on Itch is that if you don't have a professional gaming rig, nothing here is playable in-browser

Idea: If the checkerboard patterns on the walls glowed very slightly, the player would be able to tell whether they were actually moving or just rubbing their face on a wall without using the flashlight. It'd still be dark, but without the player actually being completely blind.

A map and some kind of useful in-game information *that you can check whenever you want to* (like what the generators actually do if they don't affect the power, and where they are, and whether you actually have to do the tasks or can just camp by the door for 8 minutes (it let me do that for the 1st night but won't for the 2nd)) would be nice as well, so we don't have to slowly piece together core game mechanics through hours of trial and error and cooperation like they're Dark Souls questlines. (Hell, I didn't even realize you could answer the phone until after reading through a couple dozen "WASD DOESN'T WORK" comments, not that the phone message is any less a waste of time than in FNAF; also it's impossible to understand.)(I know there's a Discord, but I'd rather not join a server just to learn things that should be accessible upfront.)

(Trying to give ideas that might be easier to implement rather than just telling you to fix the bits you already said you're having trouble fixing.)(Also trying to not be as bitchy as humanly possible; high-key hate that there was an entire movement in game design based around "force the players to either do QA-level trial and error or ask the ones who did in order to interact with the game.")

I did like how the glide mushroom can help you dodge her swipe-up laser. I noticed that. : ] Also Momo's Blofeld mechanic with the cat is fun.
Switching from a weapon to a health item felt kind of clunky IMO ("What is this, Zelda from before they invented good game controls?" : P), but then again I don't game primarily on PC. Maybe if I'd been using my controller I'd have gotten the muscle memory under control better.

Ah, I think I downloaded the game right before it was updated. 'XD I looked at the devlog, but figured I hadn't missed much.

I did beat Linnea after getting the glide shroom and health items, she's fair enough once you have those (except for that one attack from that one spot), and I beat Momo with Linnea's sword and using health items.
...Wait, the I-frames for the dodge last that long? There's no indication they should last that long.
...So that's the run key, I guess I confused "Dash" with "Dodge" when I glanced at the keybinds before. 'XD

Is there supposed to be an upper room to the mushroom house where the double-jump item is? The ladder doesn't go anywhere.

Linnea's swipe-down laser attack is complete nonsense. Also, the player shouldn't be able to reach her and Momo before going down the ladder and off the cliff, or at least, it shouldn't be so easy to accidentally skip to the hardest parts of the game before even getting healing items. Overall though, pretty good game for the genre.

Honestly had expected the twist to be "also this place doubles as a legitimate brothel," not, y'know, that. People do make and play porn games about consensual sex work, you know.

I still listen to the bgm files from this game sometimes tbh, I liked them so much 'XD You could probably get a few sales from its OST, like Undertale did.

Game stole my entire day. It isn't the first porn game to do that, but I think it's the first one with no story to  do that.
First base level is the best IMO. Wasn't able to find a way to enable the bonus level, but they have it available to download as a mod track anyway.
Some of those mod tracks, btw, are S-tier, holy shit.

dance is terrifying tbh o_0 at least this ain't timing-based, so you can "play" it on chrome
isn't esp more cold reading? could have had a tiny hint system or something, with her having, like, tells. would have prepared us for the janky movements at least 'XD

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Still unplayable on Chrome. Music is good, though, I'll give you that. "Kirby boss but make it Eastern."
Also yeah, Ghost is even worse than trying to play this in browser; just because it *can* be beat (after twenty minutes with the cheat on and after other people have told you how it works through punishing trial-and-error) doesn't mean it's fair or good game design.
Legit, if there was an option to slow it down that'd actually be an improvement over getting to see just how bad at timing you are. Also, unplayable in browser.